RV Living in the 21st Century: The Essential Reference Guide for ALL RVers
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RV Living in the 21st Century; The Essential Reference Guide for ALL RVers will quickly become your best friend as you explore North America. It combines basic timeless RV information new RVers need to know, plus seasoned RVers will value the numerous hints and tips covering everything from packing to stretching dollars to driving their unit. RV Living in the 21st Century also includes a wide overview of updated changes in technologies that were not even thought of pre-9/11. Peggi McDonald freely relays both the good and not so good happenings she and her husband John experienced during two decades of fulltiming. As a Canadian snowbird that spends half the year in the U.S.A., she also readily shares her comprehensive border crossing knowledge.
"What must I know before I buy my first RV?" "How can I learn to drive that new ‘BIG’ RV?" "Can I park without hook-ups?" "Where do I find campgrounds?" "How do you hook up the sewer?" "Is there a secret to packing my cupboards so contents stay where I put them?" "Can I connect to the Internet while on the move?" "Is it difficult to winterize my RV?" "How much does it cost to live on the move?" Questions, questions, questions? No problem, these are only a few of the many situations Peggi discusses, in this interesting tell-it-like-it-is publication. She covers all topics concerning the RV lifestyle including numerous options to staying in touch via voice and calling cards as well as logging onto the ‘Net from the comfort of your RV using your laptop and cell phone or WiFi or satellites. Technology is continuously changing, but Peggi helps you through the maze to ease the transformation.
The pages of this comprehensive reference guide are jammed with helpful hints that simplify extending space, pet travel, everyday living and so much more. Although a portion is directed to fulltimers, a mega amount of information throughout the 296 pages of RV Living in the 21st Century will assist the new RVer, travelling in any size of RV, to quickly become comfortable in their home on wheels. It also addresses on-going concerns of the part time and seasoned RVer.
Throughout the pages this avid RVer conveys many of the ‘life-lessons’ she learned the hard way so those new to this lifestyle can avoid her pit-falls. Topics listed as titles and sub-titles rather than chapter headings, plus the comprehensive Index makes it easy to quickly find answers to your questions. Personal stories of places her and John visited along with a rendition of the unique experiences of their fascinating life on the move makes this book difficult to put down. Many new RVers read it once for enjoyment and several times more to highlight specific advice. Their dog-eared copy then nestles in an accessible spot in the RV for immediate reference.
Many dealers and RV salesmen stock this informative easy-to-read guide to present as a cherished gift to new buyers. They want their customers to enjoy their RV lifestyle journey to the fullest.
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By Andre Virly (Nelson, BC, Canada)
This conversational book promises more than it delivers. As a Canadian planning to buy an RV in the US, I was hoping that the author's Canadian experience would be useful to me. In this I was disappointed because the info provided is partial, at best.
For example, in the section regarding import of an RV from the U.S. to Canada, Ms. McDonald seems to automatically assume that you'll be buying new, and A,B, or C class only. A number of basic, critical facts is left out. E.g. The regulations are substantially different for vehicles older than 15 years, or if you're buying an unmotorized RV like a travel trailer. Many newer RVs are not admissible at all. And BOTH U.S. and Canadian Customs have procedures and forms you must go through.
Most other topics suffer from this same lack of depth and detail. Best coverage is given to transborder communications issues while on the road. Although slightly dated, the fundamentals are there.
So, if you're willing to dig deeper, this book can be a useful starting point. If you take it at face value, be prepared for some nasty surprises.
By Matt Wahlstrom (lisbon, iowa)
Great book for anyone even remotely considering getting an RV. Tells all the ins and outs of living and traveling in an RV.
By Helma (New Hyde Park, NY United States)
As new owners of an RV, I ordered this book to perhaps give us a few hints. Well it surpassed all my expectations and both my husband and I devoured the book. It offers practical and insighful help into Life on the Road for all Rvers.
Wonderful book.
By J. L. Williams (Groveland, CA USA)
The author sounds like a nice enough person, but I did not buy the book to learn about her personal life. I was looking for something of a more technical nature to help me decide on what sort of RV I wanted. This book was not it. This is more of a Travels With Charlie type of book. The author is Canadian and a lot of the information has to do with Canadian laws. The photos are amateur photography in black and white and they are fuzzy and indistinct. At times I could not make out what the photos were attempting to show me. She'd be writing about how cute they had fixed up the interior of the RV and there would be this picture of fuzzy something-or-other.
By Bonnie Neely
RV LIVING IN THE 21ST CENTURY by Peggi and John McDonald is an excellent publication and a MUST for ALL RVers - from those new to the RV lifestyle to seasoned RVers. The book is organized by chapters which guide you through buying an RV or camper to where to stay, how to pack, what to purchase for multiple uses, how to add storage and organize, and many many more tips. The authors are well qualified for writing this and their other books listed below. They have spent years living in their RV six months in Canada and six months in the United States each year. They are also authors of 'SPIRIT OF THE OPEN ROAD and RV PACKING TIPS and RV LIFE LESSONS and EASY LIVING HINGS and RV TRAVEL TO CANADA E-BOOK.
Although we have been RV-ers for 30 years, we learned a lot from these EXCELLENT books. A very good investment for life on the road...whether for short or long stints. Highly recommended!
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